So today I got up and put on bread dough (Love my bread maker) and by the time I had done 4 batches, Id made 2 sorts of rolls, garlic bread sticks, and a loaf of bread. Nice!
Got ready to got out, I had a gift Cert to have my nails done and I did that today! It's pretty cool, they are LCN gel nails, not glue on stickies, and I think they are pretty sturdy. They will have to be, I am already testing them on all sorts of things!

These took almost 2 hours to do. There was a rather surprising amount of discomfort lol but all in all it was relaxing and nice to see afterwards. I still have some filing to do but I did good to even be using them today so we are leaving it at that!
We had Parent-Teacher interviews today, starting with Holly who is doing really really well in her class work, I was more concerned about her social interactions but her teacher assures us that she's no more "difficult" socially than any of the other kids...she doesnt see at school some of the things that worry me at home, like Holly's difficulty relating to some kids (not all) and her trouble seeing how some things she says and does might be seen by other kids as Unfriendly. FOr example, she and a friend were playing, and when Holly was done, she said OK you can go home now. and she cannot see why that might have been upsetting to her friend! LOL Apparently that's ok in school, not a problem. We will continue to monitor and tell her to be a nice friend etc etc.
Taylor is also doing really well in school, she's reading great in English and French, doing well in Math, and all the other topics too. She is taking English Language Arts this year, she thinks that is funny. She does need to slow down a lot, read things more throughly, and work more independantly. all in all I think these were very positive interviews. NICE!
after the interviews we went to grocery and got things for the many Squares I need to make for this week and next. Exchanges! What was I thinking? Cant wait tos ee what others make!
Then home, supper, kids to bed, and I finished our cards. Im stinking tired!!!!!
It's bed time now, Bye now!
1 comment:
Nice cards! And ncie nails too! :)
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