a whole lot of mastiff. ive since gotten her original vet records along with a photo of her father (a whole lot of mastiff is he; she looks just like him, colour included). And she is more like 4.5 months old and has not been vaccinated since she left the pet store. Great.
She has come a long way since she came; she's not really house trained at all...and can be a little sneak about it too. Coming along. If we can train Zoey we can train anything! She Doesnt like to be wet and she doesnt love snow although after a bit I did coax her out into it. She's fairly timid and doesnt like raised voices; maybe a result of little patience with the house training? Hard to say.
So Maggie is improving and fitting in here really well. She is big and clumsy but when she wags her tail her whole body wriggles it is really cute :) She's affectionate and happy to see us. Oh and kennel training is going well although the dogs spend most of the night on their beds now. She does chew things but we give her a lot of toys. And carpets can be cleaned SIGH. We always wanted a boxer and now we have half of one. Im not so sure about the mastiff side. BUt I want a dog to run with and once she grows into those legs she could be it. No one would mess with me :) lol As long as the elbow/leg issues straightn out; no abnormalities on radiographs so chances are good she will grow out of it. In a couple of years. LOL.
Welcome Home Maggie :)