Our Christmas Eve is always spent with Scott's family out in Old Barns. It is a nice tradition we intend to keep even tho we are now further away ;) It did take a long time to get home last night but it was a great party. The grands and their 5 grandkiddies sure do think a lot of each other :)

We took out some gingerbread cookies to decorate! The kids had a great time making them red, blue, and white, with gum drop noses and eyes.

So cute taking their time to get them right :)
They didnt eat them; They found them way too sweet after getting all that icing on there lol

The small people always get a gift to open at Nanny and Grampy's house on Christmas Eve and they look forward to it because it usually means Jammies are coming next and then it's Santa time!

Taylor asked for books this year for Christmas and that certainly is what she got!

Annika and her FurReal Friend Fluffy ;) She asked for a play car and a ukelele for Christmas. Only partially disappointed lol

Holly and her FurReal Friend Scruffy. My kids ooze originality. She asked for...a Wii for Christmas. And a hockey net. No disappointment for this child :)

Nanny and Grampy opening our gift - we got them a Digital frame and put loads of photos on it. Great minds think alike - Scott`s brother and wife got them the same thing.
the kids opened and climbed into their new Christmas Jammies and we left the party at Nanny and Grampy`s house.

after a few stops we made it home where the kiddies prepared for Santa to come. Setting out cookies and some carrots for the reindeer is important work. Taylor also set out a camera for Santa to take some photos with.

Carefully making a drink for Santa...

The kids tracked Santa on the Norad Santa Tracking site which was really fun and they were in bed before he hit Greenland lol

everyone snuggled down for a story - the King James version of the bible story. A little heavy so then Taylor read us Twas the Night Before Christmas, and then it was time for bed.

Cuties in front of the tree before bed. MERRY CHRISTMAS!